Learn more about the OPTIBOV consortium partners.

  • Head of the team: Prof. Juha Kantanen

    Research institute: National Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)

    Field of research: Animal genetic resources/animal genomics

    Email: juha.kantanen@luke.fi

    Team members

    Heli Lindeberg (Senior scientist, DVM, reproductive biology)

    Kisun Phharel (Research scientist, bioinformatics and genomics)

    Tiina Reilas (Senior scientist, DVM, reproductive biology)

    Melak Weldenegodguad (Research scientist, bioinformatics and genomics)

  • Coordinator/head of the team: Dr. Richard Crooijmans

    Research institute: Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

    Field of research: Animal breeding and genomics

    Email: richard.crooijmans@wur.nl

    Funding agency: NWO

    Team members

    Dr. Rayner Gonzalez Prendes (Post doc)

    Bert Dibbits (Lab technician)

    Junxin Gao (PhD student)

    Ying Liu (PhD student)

    Fenna van der Poel (Website manager)

  • Head of the team: Catarina Ginja

    Research institute: CIBIO/InBIO, University of Porto

    Field of research: Animal breeding and genomics

    Email: catarinaginja@cibio.up.pt

    Funding agency: National Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

    Team members

    Rute Fonseca (Associate professor, University of Copenhagen)

    Ana Elisabete Pires (Post doc)

    Silvia Chiarelli (Post doc)

    Daniel Gaspar (PhD student)

  • Head of the team: Dr. Nasser Ghanem

    Research institute: Cairo University

    Field of research: Reproductive biology

    Email: nassergo@agr.cu.edu.eg

    Funding agency: Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF)

    Team members

    Dr. Nadia Faheem (Post doc)

    Dr. Mohamed Ali (Post doc)

    Dr. Hamdy Abd El-Shafy (Post doc)

    Dr. Ahmed Abd Elsamad (Post doc)

  • Head of the team: Dr. Donald R. Kugonza

    Research institute: Makere University (MAK)

    Field of research: Animal breeding and genetics

    Email: donkugonza@ceas.mak.ac.ug

    Funding agency: Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MoSTI)

    Team members

    Prof. Morris Agaba (Senior scientist in the field of animal genetics and genomics)

    Dr. Francis Mugisha (Scientist in the field of veterinary health)

    Henry Magala (PhD student)

    Robert Natumanya (PhD student in the field of reproductive technology)

  • Head of the team: Dr. Linky Makhahlela

    Research institute: Agricultural Research Council South Africa

    Email: mmakhahlela@arc.agric.za

    Funding agency: National Research Foundation (NRF)

    Team members

    Dr. Avashoni Zwane (Researcher)

    Khanyisani Nxumalo (PhD student)